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ABOUT Arabella



During my late teens, after years of debilitating period pain, I had a laparoscopy to both diagnose and surgically treat endometriosis. Before that, I had been prescribed numerous pain killers and just about every type of contraceptive pill available in an attempt to ‘manage’ symptoms. I didn’t understand my body or any of the potential root causes of endometriosis (like oestrogen dominance) at that time so I pushed through best I could and hoped that I would be able to have children if I decided that was something I wanted down the track.


Thankfully, my husband and I were able to have two beautiful children. And through THAT process my body was still talking to me. At 25 with no other apparent risk factors I developed, and had to learn how to manage, gestational diabetes. Actually, I had more or less taken good food for granted up until that point (my mother is Italian and happens to be an exceptional cook) but I didn’t really know how to dial in strategy around different needs and seasons of life until that experience.


Fast forward 3 years and 11 weeks after our second pregnancy I ended up in emergency with a 9mm renal stone and a newborn baby. It had to be stented and surgically removed 2 weeks later (because that kind of toxic burden flooding the blood stream suddenly can kill a person with blood poisoning.) I was told to reduce my salt intake and check in with ultrasounds periodically.
Off I went.

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The grand finale came in 2019, when after years of feeling not quite right having ‘unremarkable’ annual blood tests and passing all the little niggles off as being the mother of two young children, I collapsed in a restaurant bathroom at a family lunch.


And so began a journey into the pointy end of a health crisis and chronic illness that, in retrospect, had been gaining momentum with seemingly unrelated, ‘random’ health events for years.  I now know that not only was it not random it was ALL connected. My body was talking to me the WHOLE time! I just didn’t know (yet) how to respond effectively.


For perspective, the laundry list of diagnoses that I collected along the way included:

  • POTS – postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

  • IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • MTHFR gene mutation

  • MCAS – Mast cell activation Syndrome



  • CIRS – Central Inflammatory Response Syndrome (in my case exacerbated by mould)


  • CANDIDA – an overproduction of yeast


Today, I can say that I have recovered from Lyme disease (an underlying bacterial infection of the spirochete variety). It wasn’t easy. It required mental fortitude that I didn’t even know I had. And I learned a whole lot along the way. Feeling truly transformed and realising what it took to get back to my own acceptable definition of ‘well’, I decided to get my degree from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York and turn my health crisis into a career that helps people.


In my holistic wellness practice, I teach women and men about how to nourish their terrain. The foundation on which EVERYTHING else we do rests. The powerful connection between nutrition and wellbeing. The importance of thought health, Inflammation management, Rebalancing the body one system at a time, Movement, Detoxification and the lymphatic system.



I do not have a medical degree. I had no idea what Lyme disease was. I wasn’t a food chemist, and I hadn’t been to school for nutrition (yet!). I was an everyday person: a wife and a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend, who was really given no other option than to start problem solving or accept my circumstances. I made finding out about my health a priority in order to get to where I wanted to go. I believe every single human being has that capability.


Because it will always be you living with the consequences of someone else’s limitations, and that rarely serves us well.



Today I can tell you that for me there was no singular answer. Lyme disease brought a constellation of symptoms that were multi layered and multi systemic in my body. And Lyme, as a diagnosis, was one piece of a bigger healing puzzle. It was with patience (that’s something I had to learn) and consistency as I addressed my body AND my mind that I got myself and my body to where I’m standing today. And truthfully, a half-hearted, half-baked approach can really only ever achieve half hearted, half way results. SO, one of the first things you have to decide for yourself is how badly you want to get well? How far are you willing to go? Then it’s time to do the work. But what work? Was my next question. It’s not always easy to know which work to do. And you can work as hard as you want to, if it’s in the wrong direction it’s still not going to get you where you’re aiming to go. That’s where strategy and efficiency becomes important.


Healing is multi-layered. If you’ve become chronically unwell there are undoubtedly several bodily systems breaking down and causing symptoms. I had been addressing my gut health, migraines, hormonal imbalances and a myriad of other bodily disparities for several years before I went anywhere near killing the spirochetes that had set up residence in my body. That evolved and was the direct result of a combination of factors. One was the fact that, being the great mimicker, lots of other diagnoses had to be ruled out before we got to infectious diseases or consideration of an infection. Another was the fact that Lyme is not easily diagnosed in Australia. And the third was the fact that I was lucky (and will be eternally grateful) to have some exceptional Doctors on my medical team that were treating and supporting my body systematically and as a whole. That is why my practice focuses on working with your doctors as part of your healing team. A great doctor or two are worth their weight in gold in the realm of acute care. 


When it comes to the human body I believe all systems are related and can influence each other in both positive and negative ways. Very few symptoms are ‘random’. If you’re noticing something not working right in your body there’s a reason. The cause, and its subsequent treatment, may be simple or it may turn out to be a more complex answer but there’s ALWAYS a reason. And just because it’s ‘common’ doesn’t make it ‘normal’ either. My husband had been telling me it wasn’t normal for me to be that tired and that I needed to go to the doctor YEARS before was diagnosed with Lyme disease. At the time, I responded with something along the lines of: “Of course I’m tired! I’ve got two small children and my husband is at work all the time!” And kept on keeping on. Sound familiar? In retrospect, I’m not sure I would have been physically resilient enough to get through a thorough Lyme treatment from the place that I had ultimately deteriorated to without taking that time in the lead up to rebuild minerals, nutrients and support hormone issues that had developed over time. It takes a long time to get that sick. And it’s going to take time to get better. But I’m far enough down the road now to tell you it can be done. We can heal.


WHAT NOW? Wellness Approach

There is endless information floating around in the wellness world. It’s overwhelming and a lot of it is more confusing than it is informative. I believe in a wellness approach that treats underlying causes. Labelling the symptoms is only one step in the broader process. I believe in identifying and treating root causes of those same issues. With the right information, strategy, and support you can experience the same health transformation that I did. 

And we’re going to need a TOOL KIT

– what can YOU do?

a. Thought health – belief systems, breathwork and meditation

b. Nutrition

c. supplementation

d. Inflammation management

e. Rebalancing the Body one system at a time

f. Detoxification

g. Movement, massage and the lymphatic system


WHY? Because your body is NOT broken. It’s asking you to pay attention somewhere. 


CERTIFIED HOLISTIC HEALTH COACH - Institute of Integrative Nutrition, 2021

One of the most prominent nutrition schools in the world with a prestigious & well respected 25 year history educating health practitioners on the full scope of dietary theory including Western Practices, Eastern Philosophies, Holistic Concepts & Lifestyle Influences.


FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION COACH, Mind Body Green, 2022 (enrolled)

With a curriculum taught by some of the world's leading integrative physicians including Dr Mark Hyman, Dr Frank Lipman & Dr Stephen Gundry, the course offers a comprehensive examination of gut health, brain, heart and hormone health in addition to both the association and connections between the body's dysfunctions and it's healing potential. 


CERTIFIED BRAIN HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, Amen University, 2022 (enrolled)

Brain health is critical to overall health yet many people either live with brain problems or are at risk of developing them in the future. Throughout the course, with neuroscience as the point of reference, renowned Psychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen offers a thorough examination of Brain Health including: Brain Behaviour Systems, Neuroimaging, Brain Directed Supplements, Nutrition gut/brain connections, the science of self-control, decreasing risk factors of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and creating brain health. 



Ma. Education (University of Sydney)

Ba. Teaching (University of Sydney)

Ba. Arts (University of Sydney)

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